Report on the Israel Narrative at Cal Poly

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This year, for most of the year, there was little action from the Moslem/Arab side of the campus against Israel. In effect, Hillel did much more then they did.

However, during the past two weeks, the Moslem Student Association, the Progressive Student Alliance, and the Greens on campus declared a Palestinian Awareness Week where they had a “cultural night”, a hostory lesson by Manzar Foroohar, an avid anti_Israel history professor, the showing of the Arna’s Children, and another speech by Amir Abdel Malik Ali, followed by articles in the paper.

In addition, by financial support form the History department and the College of Liberal Arts, Foroohar also brought Jeff Halper, an anti-Israel Israeli citizen to campus to talk about the prospect of “peace” in the region, about the Apartheid Wall, etc.

Through their collaborating friends in the college, many classes require their students to attend these presentations which are one-sided, and are moderated by Foroohar who controls the event. Instead of moving forward by having constructive dialog, they have brought people who advocate destruction of Israel and impress hate upon students to our campus for two weeks.

S. Benjamin Niku,
Faculty Advisor for Hillel
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Report on the Israel Narrative at Cal Poly

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