Historians Defeat Resolutions Denouncing Israel

As thousands marched against anti-Semitism in New York, the American Historical Association voted to defeat—for the third time—resolutions denouncing Israel.
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Jeffrey Herf is a TAI contributing editor and Distinguished University Professor in the department of history at the University of Maryland. He is the author of Undeclared Wars with Israel: East Germany and the West German Far Left (Cambridge University Press, 2016). He is completing a book with the working title: Israel’s Moment: Support and Opposition in the United States and Europe, 1944-1949.

Historians Defeat Resolutions Denouncing Israel

As thousands marched against anti-Semitism in New York, the American Historical Association voted to defeat—for the third time—resolutions denouncing Israel.
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Jeffrey Herf

Jeffrey Herf is Distinguished University Professor in the Department of History at the University of Maryland in College Park. He has published extensively on 20th century European and German history. His recent works include: Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (Yale University Press, 2009), and The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust(Harvard University Press, 2006). He is currently completing a history of the antagonism to Israel on the part of Communist East Germany and the West German radical left from the Six Day War to the collapse of the East German regime in 1989-90.

Read all stories by Jeffrey Herf