The Crown Center for Middle East Studies presents the fifth Middle East Brief: “Nuclear Decision-Making in Iran: A Rare Glimpse” by Chen Kane.
This Brief provides a unique and in-depth analysis of Iran’s decisions to advance its nuclear program. By closely analyzing the recent statements by Iran’s former secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Hassan Rohani, Kane provides valuable insight into the calculations of the Iranian government.
A PDF of this Brief can be viewed on the Crown Center website:
Past Briefs in this series include:
Naghmeh Sohrabi, “Conservatives, Neoconservatives and Reformists: Iran after the Election of Mahmud Ahmadinejad,” April 2006, Middle East Brief 4.
Dror Zeevi, “What Do Palestinians Really Want? The Social Implications of the Hamas Victory,” March 2006, Middle East Brief 3.
Abdel Monem Said Aly, “Prelude to Change: Egyptian Democratization, 2005,” January 2006, Middle East Brief 2.
Shai Feldman and Khalil Shikaki, “Palestinian and Israeli Policy Options: Implications for U.S. Diplomacy,” December 2005, Middle East Brief 1.
In the next few weeks we will add a selected commentary section to the Briefs pages as a way to include your feedback. The site will include a web form to submit feedback, but please feel free to contact us with your responses or comments at anytime at:
Prof. Shai Feldman