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Robert S. Wistrich

Anti-Semitism and Jewish destiny

On Sunday, Robert S. Wistrich – the director of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem – emailed the following column to ‘Jerusalem Post’ Editor-in-Chief Steve Linde, asking that it be…

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The Persistent Survival of Anti-Semitism

Anti-semitism might be defined as the generality of historic forms taken by Jew-hatred throughout recorded history. They include the beliefs, the passions and anti-Jewish behavior leading to both physical and symbolic violence against Jews over the centuries. The word is…

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How not to fight anti-Semitism

Since 2007, I have actively participated in all three global forums held in Jerusalem to combat anti- Semitism. These are undoubtedly important and necessary gatherings which enable a wide variety of concerned, professional and committed people from around the world…

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The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism

It is a struggle to choose the term that most accurately describes the phenomenon of Jew-hatred. Judeophobia is little used because it literally means “the fear of Jews.”Anti-Judaism, which is the most literal and specific, is problematic because it suggests that Jew-hatred…

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Fremde Federn || Robert S. Wistrich – Ein Vergleich zwischen islamistischem Antisemitismus und dem schlimmsten Nazi-Deutschlands In Israel und Jüdische Welt on 9. November 2009 at 3:00 Berliner Synagoge nach der Reichspogromnacht. Am 9. November 1938 fand ein massives landesweites antijüdisches Pogrom in Friedenszeiten auf dem gesamten Gebiet des Dritten Reiches statt. Zum Vorwand für…

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