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Irwin J. Mansdorf

Demystifying Chomsky

Mention Noam Chomsky’s name to a group of contemporary academicians or students and you are most likely to be met with supercilious reverence for a man who has become the iconoclastic representation of the intellectual left. A self-described anarchist as…

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Irwin Mansdorf’s letter in the Brit Med Journal

Letter Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes Summerfield’s outrage is misplaced EDITOR-Summerfield’s jump from psychiatrist to attorney,judge, and jury is a classic example of the inappropriate useof science and medicine to promote specific political views.1 Any reasonable…

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Mansdorf, Canadian J Psychiatry exchange

Q. Rae-Grant, MDEditor-in-chiefCanadian Journal of PsychiatryMay 30, 2004 Dear Editor: In “The prevalence of psychological morbidity in West Bank Palestinian Children”, [1] serious omissions presenting the data were present. Moreover, clearly biased and undocumented statements attributing causality on the basis…

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The face of evil

This week, as the Jewish people and the nation of Israel commemorate the Holocaust, consider the reaction many had to the image of a sad and obviously humbled Saddam Hussein stroking his graying beard, much in the same manner as…

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