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Barry Rubin

How to Turn a Campus Into an Indoctrination Center

If you want to understand how the far left controls campuses, consider this story. There is no university more supportive of the Arab nationalist (historically), Islamist, and anti-Israel line in the United States than Georgetown’s programs on Middle East studies. Every…

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The Benefits of the ‘Arab Spring’

There are two types of strategic perspectives in Israel today. They aren’t contradictory, but they have different priorities. These can be called the “northern” and the “southern” views. The “northern” approach is the more traditional one, focusing on the situation…

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Barry Rubin: Rahm Emanuel? Really?

When President Barack Obama trots out his former chief of staff to write an article in defense of his love for Israel, you know he understands that he’s in trouble. You know President Barack Obama understands he’s got problems with…

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