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Alex Joffe

Alex Joffe

Editor SPME / BDS Monitor

Alexander H. Joffe is an archaeologist and historian specializing in the Middle East and contemporary international affairs. He received a B.A. in History from Cornell University in 1981 and Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Arizona in 1991. From 1980 to 2003 he participated in and directed archaeological research in Israel, Jordan, Greece and the United States. Joffe taught at the Pennsylvania State University and Purchase College, and has been Director of Research for Global Policy Exchange, Ltd., and The David Project, Center for Jewish Leadership.

Joffe's work is uniquely broad. Since 1991 he has published dozens of studies on the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean and is a leading figure in contentious debates over the relationship between archaeology and politics in the Middle East. He has also authored numerous works on contemporary issues, including Middle Eastern environmental security threats from pollution and weapons of mass destruction. His work on the problem of dismantling intelligence agencies is widely cited by experts and democratic reformers alike.

In the past decade Joffe has written and spoken on topics as varied as the future of American Jews, the Palestinian refugee problem, and nationalism. During that time as well he has been deeply involved with combating the problems of campus antisemitism, the ‘boycott, divestment and sanctions' movement against Israel, and in educating Jews and others about threats to Israel and the West. His current projects include a biography of a British World War II general and several novels. He and his family reside near New York City.

All stories by: Alex Joffe

Amnesty International accuses Israel of ‘apartheid’ while the BDS movement targets Israelis on campus. Progressive legislators and groups reject Abraham Accords and split Democrats.

Introduction BDS in February was shaped by Amnesty International’s report labeling Israel an ‘apartheid state’ and the growing split in the Democratic Party over Israel. With midterm season ongoing and with a large number of Democratic retirements in the House…

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Campus DEI staffers promote anti-Israel bias as Middle East Studies Association support for BDS sets up confrontation with US states. American Muslim representatives condemn American Jews over BDS and Israel as Congress advances “Islamophobia” monitor.

Introduction The fall semester ended with a new study of social media demonstrating that campus ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ staffers are important promoters of anti-Israel bias. These staffers are part of a pipeline that extends from student governments through higher…

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BDS spreads further in K-12 via ‘ethnic’ studies as progressive group boycotts ‘Zionist’ American Jewish organizations. Pro-Israel singer targeted by BDS bots while Irish author boycotts Israel.

Introduction With higher education already saturated BDS activity in October remained focused on “ethnic studies” in K-12 education. Approved in California, “ethnic studies” curriculums that emphasize race and which target Jews and Israel, as ‘white’ ‘oppressors’ are now under consideration…

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BDS movement and supporters remain silent on Taliban while ‘Squad’ attempts to cut Iron Dome aid from US budget. ‘Palestine’ given central place in K-12 education, ‘ethnic studies,’ and children’s libraries.

Introduction The fall semester began with attacks by Progressive Democrats on US aid to Israel. At the same time, attacks on free speech by BDS-related groups were made in the context of 9/11 commemorations. These complemented continuing efforts to reframe…

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BDS statements from students, faculty, and journalists proliferate as pushback yields some results. BDS statements from K-12 teachers shows CRT influence

Introduction June was characterized by sweeping statements from academics and journalists declaring the impossibility of objectivity and evenhandedness when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and pledging absolute fealty to the Palestinian cause. While there was pushback regarding earlier student…

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