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Alex Joffe

Alex Joffe

Editor SPME / BDS Monitor

Alexander H. Joffe is an archaeologist and historian specializing in the Middle East and contemporary international affairs. He received a B.A. in History from Cornell University in 1981 and Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Arizona in 1991. From 1980 to 2003 he participated in and directed archaeological research in Israel, Jordan, Greece and the United States. Joffe taught at the Pennsylvania State University and Purchase College, and has been Director of Research for Global Policy Exchange, Ltd., and The David Project, Center for Jewish Leadership.

Joffe's work is uniquely broad. Since 1991 he has published dozens of studies on the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean and is a leading figure in contentious debates over the relationship between archaeology and politics in the Middle East. He has also authored numerous works on contemporary issues, including Middle Eastern environmental security threats from pollution and weapons of mass destruction. His work on the problem of dismantling intelligence agencies is widely cited by experts and democratic reformers alike.

In the past decade Joffe has written and spoken on topics as varied as the future of American Jews, the Palestinian refugee problem, and nationalism. During that time as well he has been deeply involved with combating the problems of campus antisemitism, the ‘boycott, divestment and sanctions' movement against Israel, and in educating Jews and others about threats to Israel and the West. His current projects include a biography of a British World War II general and several novels. He and his family reside near New York City.

All stories by: Alex Joffe

Fall semester ends with big BDS push

Introduction The end of the fall semester saw continued BDS successes in academic organizations but failures in other areas. In political terms, recognition of Palestine continued among European countries. Coupled with American comments about possible sanctions over Israeli construction activities,…

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BDS shifts back to campus with secret investigation of anti-BDS faculty member, BDS resolution votes. American Studies Association partially backs down from BDS after lawsuit threats. European boycott threats and anti-Israel violence continue

Introduction October’s BDS activities were focused on North American campuses. The overall number of incidents is twice that of last year, and there have been disturbing changes in their character, including violence. Pressure on faculty members is increasing, with any…

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BDS used by American Muslim organization in bid for publicity, community leadership. Pushback from pro-peace advocates blunts campus impacts. European regulations cut Israeli imports from West Bank

Introduction BDS in September built on the summer’s conflict in Gaza, with a variety of efforts to condemn and isolate Israel in academia. European economic threats against Israel in order to force Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations have also intensified after the…

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The American Jewish fairness trap

Four recent incidents illustrate how American Jewish institutions are manipulated to subvert support for Israel. Call it the fairness trap. Vassar Hillel announced it would join its counterpart at Swarthmore and reject Hillel International’s guidelines prohibiting anti-Israel speakers and activities.…

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