Update: Since I posted this, I have been told the incident occurred on a Sunday, when an event was occurring at the school (a talk by Anne Aly MP and an Israeli guest speaker) and not regular classes. Those who told me this now suggest the title is misleading.
I disagree. The venue was still a Jewish day school, and as you will read below, there were kids there who were targeted with hate.
I have removed word “antisemitic” from title, since this was predicated on fact venue was chosen for the protest solely because Jewish kids attend. Nevertheless, I am of view all BDS protests are essentially antisemitic.
They seem to be everywhere, and no matter where they are, they reveal their true, ugly side – which has nothing to do with wanting or encouraging peace.
I am, of course, referring to BDS-holes.
In the latest act to hit the Interwebs, a bunch of them in Perth, Western Australia have held a demo – in front of a Jewish day school.
Think about this for a second. They decided of all places to chant “Free, free Palestine” in front a school for Jewish kids (and yes, the kids are there – it is Winter in Australia now, not Summer vacation).
Update: I have been told it took place on a Sunday but nevertheless, this was a Jewish day school. And there were some kids there, per the Rabbis’s account below. So the bullying of schoolchildren did happen.
A Rabbi in Perth who was at the school with his kids at the time wrote:
They called me and kids, children murderers and they said it was justified that my children be killed by terrorists…
Note also this photo taken by the Rabbi at the protest: check out the child ‘protester’ with the yellow sign. They are teaching their kids to hate.