Israel Medical Association Seeks 10,000 Physicians’ Signatures to Counter Slanderous Charges from UK Anti-Israel Physician

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Dear Colleague,

Thank you for supporting Israeli medicine during these difficult times. It is both disturbing and worrying that anti-Israel sentiments have found their way into the field of medicine. Political views should be discussed, but not within the framework of a profession whose supreme value is the health and well-being of all human beings. The Israeli medical community has much to be proud of in this regard. We are grateful to you for taking part in the struggle against the politicization of medicine and the degradation of the Israeli medical profession in the eyes of the global medical community. By signing the Israel Medical Association’s petition you have demonstrated your support and solidarity. Thank you for taking the time to assist your colleagues here in Israel.

Unfortunately, our work is not yet done. Damage has been caused by the original petition orchestrated by Dr. Derek Summerfield, which attacks the Israeli medical profession. Our aim is to receive at least 10,000 signatures on our counter petition. Please continue to spread this link to all of your colleagues: Thank you for your continued support.


Dr. Yoram Blachar

President, Israel Medical Association

President, World Medical Association

Dr. Tzaki Siev-Nir

Chairman,World Fellowship

Israel Medical Association Seeks 10,000 Physicians’ Signatures to Counter Slanderous Charges from UK Anti-Israel Physician

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Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) is not-for-profit [501 (C) (3)], grass-roots community of scholars who have united to promote honest, fact-based, and civil discourse, especially in regard to Middle East issues. We believe that ethnic, national, and religious hatreds, including anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism, have no place in our institutions, disciplines, and communities. We employ academic means to address these issues.

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