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Kemp and Fishman: Inside Track: The Reviews Are In When two distinguished professors of political science write a highly controversial book on U.S. foreign policy one expects a comprehensive explanation of their hypotheses and their chosen methodology to demonstrate and confirm their arguments. If one is identifying the…

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David Remnick: The Lobby Last year, two distinguished political scientists, John J. Mearsheimer, of the University of Chicago, and Stephen M. Walt, of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, at Harvard, published a thirty-four-thousand-word article online entitled “The Israel Lobby and U.S.…

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David Aaron: Spending Aid to Palestinians Wisely

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s new effort to promote the development of the Palestinian economy and self-government hinges not just on how much foreign assistance can be provided to desperately poor Palestinians, but on how the funds will be…

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Seth Frantzman: Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine?

As negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority aimed atcreating a Palestinian state willing to live side-by-side with Israel inpeace resume, one of the major sticking points continues to be the Arabrefugee issue. Bitter arguments among politicians and scholars continue…

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Mark Dollinger: Anti-Israel Boycott Movement Is Misplaced

In 1949, historian Arthur Scheslinger Jr., referencing the development of postwar liberal politics, lauded the tendency of Americans to embrace “the vital center.” Unlike many other nations around the world, the United States rejected political extremism, choosing instead a via…

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Sharif Elmusa: A Modest Proposal “When you embark on revenge, dig a grave for two,” said Confucius. No words better describe the abyss into which the Hamas-Fatah quarrel is leading the Palestinian national liberation project. Perhaps what has happened is the inevitable consequence of…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Über die Verfolgung der Bahai Bereits vor ca. 170 Jahren wurden bei einem zwischenzeitlich in Vergessenheit geratenen Pogrom rund 20.000 Babi, Angehörige einer Vorläuferbewegung der Bahai-Religion, bestialisch getötet. Die Bahai-Gemeinde im Iran ist bis heute von der Vernichtung bedroht. Zu Beginn der islamischen Revolution…

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What if the Earth really is round? Sometimes we make the most fundamental errors. When large numbers of people make mistakes – even monumental ones – it is almost impossible to challenge the resultant prevailing view. It was once the conventional wisdom that the earth is…

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