Latest News on BDS

Peter Berkowitz: Ehud Olmert’s Israel Herzliya Pituach, Israel According to recent opinion polls, roughly 70 percent of Israelis–and about 70 percent of Palestinians–believe that two states living side by side in peace is the just solution to the conflict between them. Yet no solution…

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Bridget Johnson: U.N. Could Take Lessons from Rambo Last week, the United Nations’ Human Rights Council — a contradiction in terms with members such as Cuba, China and Saudi Arabia — voted 30-1, with 15 abstentions, to condemn Israel for “grave violations of the human and humanitarian…

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Robin Shepherd: A Barrage Against Israel Yesterday’s publication of the Winograd report into Israel’s prosecution of the 2006 campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon provides a new opportunity for commentators to demonstrate their capacity for sober, balanced analysis. They will note the criticisms directed against Ehud…

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Victor Davis Hanson: A Modest Proposal for Middle East Peace There seems to be a growing renewed animus against Israel lately. Arun Gandhi, grandson of the purported humanist Mahatma Gandhi, thinks Israel and Jews in general are prone to, and singularly responsible for, most of the world’s violence. The…

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Ed Lasky: Barack Obama’s Middle East Expert Barack Obama’s real thinking about Israel and the Middle East continues to be an enigma. The words he chose in an address to AIPAC create a different impression than the composition of his foreign policy advisory team. Several advisors…

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Martin Kramer: Gaza Buried in Flour The Boston Globe has just run an op-ed under the headline “Ending the Stranglehold on Gaza.” The authors are Eyad al-Sarraj, identified as founder of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program, and Sara Roy, identified as senior research scholar…

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Fania Oz-Salzberger: No Easy Solution While Hamas Keeps Warring AS ELATED Gazans poured into Egypt amid the ruins of the blown-up border wall, Israelis gazed at their television screen with mixed feelings. We are not blind to the plight of innocent Palestinians, but no one is naive enough…

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Abraham Bell: International Law and Gaza: The Assault on Israel’s Right to Self-Defense International law authorizes Israel to initiate military countermeasures in Gaza. If Gaza is seen as having independent sovereignty, Israel’suse of force is permissible on the grounds of self-defense. If Gazais seen as lacking any independent sovereignty, Israel’suse of military…

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Julius H. Schoeps: Die fatale Illusion Julius H. Schoeps über Hoffnungen, Judenhass und Unerklärliches Zu seinen Ahnen gehört der Aufklärer Moses Mendelssohn, den Lessing in seinem »Nathan« verewigte. An der Potsdamer Universität hat Julius H. Schoeps das Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum für europäisch-jüdische Studien ins Leben…

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Wahied Wahdat-Hagh: Iran: Todesstrafe für Abtrünnigkeit und Prophetenbeleidigung Eine Gesetzesvorlage zum islamischen Strafgesetz beschäftigt das islamistische „Parlament”. Weder die Steinigung soll abgeschafft werden, noch die Todesstrafe für Kinder. Eine Erweiterung der Todesstrafe für Prophetenbeleidigung ist vorgesehen. Der Karikaturenstreit in Dänemark wird offenbar die Erweiterung der iranischen Strafgesetzgebung…

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