Yuval Brandstetter Expands on Cotler’s Remarks With Comparison of Arafat’s First UN Visit

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This a paste and copy from the BBC.

Arafat’s first UN appearance

In the 1970s, under Yasser Arafat’s leadership, PLO factions and other militant Palestinian groups such as Abu Nidal launched a series of attacks on Israeli and other targets.

One such attack took place at the Munich Olympics in 1972 in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed.

But while the PLO pursued the armed struggle to “liberate all of Palestine”, in 1974, Arafat made a dramatic first appearance at the United Nations mooting a peaceful solution.

He condemned the Zionist project, but concluded: “Today I have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter’s gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.”

The speech was a watershed in the Palestinians’ search for international recognition of their cause.

A year later, a US State Department official, Harold Saunders, acknowledged for the first time that “the legitimate interests of the Palestinian Arabs must be taken into account in the negotiating of an Arab-Israeli peace”.

As you can see nothing has changed materially. Only the name of the arch-murderer has changed. The national identity of the Genocide-inciter. As before, the Free World has given free reign to anyone who threatens the Jews with extinction. Looking at Yassir Arafat’s stellar performance, Ahmadinejad is likely to move from opprobrium to approval, to the Nobel prize for peace, if only he lies in a more convincing manner. Or makes nice to Peres.

The legitimate interests of the Palestinians must be addressed in any solution to the Middle East impasse. Yes, absolutely, but not within theLand of Israel. That Land is the sole inheritance of the Jewish People as stated in the League of Nations San Remo document. Arab countries, which together account for a land-mass twice as large as the USA, can and should do that. Israel Quid Pro Quo, has already taken in more Jewish refugees from the Arab world than all Arab refugees who might claim to originate from the Land of Israel. Countries interested in sorting out the Arab refugee problem must volunteer their own territory, not Israeli territory to do so. Europe, which killed off 6 million Jews must make amends by offering all Arab refugees asylum on European soil.

Being short on Naivete, I conclude that the European war of genocide upon the Jews has not abated. Rather, it has changed forms, names, from Hitler, to Arafat, to Ahmadinejad. Make the point fearlessly for timidity never helped any of the Jews slain in Auschwitz, Jerusalem, Sderot or New-York.

Yuval Brandstetter MD

Lehavim, Israel


Yuval Brandstetter Expands on Cotler’s Remarks With Comparison of Arafat’s First UN Visit

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