So you’re a Jew and you’re starting college? Prepare for anti-Zionism

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Congratulations, new college freshmen! Welcome to what will undoubtedly be some of the most exciting years of your life. Get ready to meet new people, learn things that fascinate you, and figure out who you are and who you want to be.

If you’re Jewish, you should probably also prepare yourself for the various forms of anti-Israel sentiment, and maybe even anti-Semitism, you’re likely to encounter on your new college campus.

In the past year alone, as a Jewish student at McGill University in Montreal, I’ve been called a “Zionist b—-.” I’ve been told several times that Jews haven’t suffered (never mind the Spanish Inquisition, Eastern European pogroms and centuries of violence and marginalization leading up to the Holocaust). I’ve seen my friends mocked for their Judaism in crude, hateful language on popular anonymous social media platforms. When I asked if a student publication would write about instances of anti-Semitism on campus in its end-of-year issue, I was told that those instances were already covered in “mainstream Zionist media.”

Yet so many of my liberal peers, with whom I share so much common ground, have actively excluded Jewish students from their social-justice organizations. The activist community’s demonization of Israel is apparent again and again in my interactions on campus. These clubs propagate the idea that Zionism underpins many of the world’s problems, as well as claim that Jews have no right to feel connected to Israel and that any Jew who does feel a connection to his or her religious homeland is part of the problem. Despite many of our shared values, my Jewish peers’ and my attempts to reach out to these groups have often been dismissed.

The years to come will be challenging for you. Whether it’s fighting BDS, coming under attack in class discussions or being made to feel unwelcome in an activist group, your experience as a Zionist at school won’t be simple. But you should still get involved with the causes you care about. You are entitled to that as much as anyone else, and you might be able to build a very important bridge. Don’t abandon your causes just because some of the people involved with them condemn Israel. And don’t be afraid to speak up to peers, professors and community members. You never know where you’re going to find an ally, and they won’t know where to find you unless you’re vocal about what you’re doing.

Despite the frustrations, I know that your campus will also be a wonderful place to strengthen your Jewish identity and find community. I made some of my best friends and met brilliant professors as I attempted to tackle these issues. Despite the roadblocks that you will experience along the way, the work that you do on your campus will undoubtedly create positive change.

B’hatzlacha — best of luck — and n’sia tova — enjoy the journey!

Molly Harris is beginning her third year at McGill University.

So you’re a Jew and you’re starting college? Prepare for anti-Zionism

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